A great employee experience starts when we make sure our people
don't have to choose between their work and their life.
Our story
It all started 2 years ago with a team of determined individuals who wanted to improve employee experience and make an impact. They named their WhatsApp group the 4 musketeers not knowing how meaningful this name would become …
This is how we started our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) journey. One year after, this purpose became a lived reality through our clients commitment and determination.
At Engaged Learning Solutions, we are enablers of meaningful change, we believe employee experience should be equal or even more than customer experience (EX=CX) and that happiness is too important to be a by default process and can be stronger when it’s by design.
Defining your evp
Your EVP is what makes you unique as an organisation.
Our goal is to profoundly transform the employee experience in a way to amplify key touchpoints of the employee journey, thus improving quality of life in the workplace.
EVP is so much more than a statement, a brand, or a journey. It depicts our client’s uniqueness, and each one of them has their own. It’s what most people feel and lives deeply authentically, bringing people and teams together to work everyday.
We believe that work can be a fulfilling and meaningful experience…. Impacting the lives of people deeply and positively!
Step 1 - Understanding workplace EVP
- Kick-off project meeting with leadership team
- Communication plan
- Awareness sessions
- EVP questionnaire design and administration
- HR Data gathering
- Personas Workshops
- One to One sessions
- Immersion report
- EVP strategic workshop alignment with CEO and leadership team
Step 2 - Define and align desired EVP
- Alignment of EVP with Compensation & Benefits (CEO/HR)
- Implement employee-led larger scale HR projects
- EVP Statement design and validation workshop
- Employe journey map, Moments that Matters and HR Operations Mapping
Step 3 - Activate, Drive and Sustain values and behaviours
- Skills gap analysis with participants
- Development programme implementation